CloudPanel:Part 6

CloudPanel:Part 6 IP Blocking Bots Blocking Basic Authentication Cloudflare SSH/FTP Adding a User- SSH/FTP Deleting a User – SSH/FTP Password Change – SSH/FTP SSH Login SFTP Login FTP FTP Login Security IP Blocking To block an IP, click on the tab Security and on the button Add IP top right. The IP to block can…

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Mailcow – CloudPanel

Mailcow Mailcow On this site, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to run the mail server Mailcow on CloudPanel. The mail server Mailcow is a dockerized application that is addressed via Reverse Proxy. System Requirements >= 1 Core >= 6 GB of RAM >= 20 GB Disk Disable Postfix Login via SSH as…

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CloudPanel:Part 5

CloudPanel:Part 5 Service – Varnish Cache Configuration File WordPress – Plugin E-Mail E-Mail Service Providers Self Hosted Solutions SSL/TLS Certificates Let’s Encrypt Certificate Cloudflare Certificate Import Certificate Service – Varnish Cache Service Settings By default, 512MB of data can be stored in the memory. You should consider increasing the value if you have many sites…

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CloudPanel:Part 4

CloudPanel:Part 4 Introduction Benefits Supported Applications Settings Cache Tag Prefix Excluded Params Purge Cache Developer Guide – Vhost Vhost Explanation Developer Guide – PHP Controller The Controller File register_shutdown_function Custom Applications Developer Mode Migration Introduction Varnish Cache is a caching HTTP reverse proxy that speeds up your sites with a factor of 100 – 250x….

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CloudPanel:Part 3

CloudPanel:Part 3 Vhost Editor Adding a Database Deleting a Database Adding a Database User Deleting a Database User phpMyAdmin Exporting a Database Importing a Database Database Backups Database Master Credentials Remote Database Access Vhost Vhost Editor In the Vhost Editor, you can make changes on the NGINX VHost, which allows you to apply rewrites, redirects,…

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CloudPanel:Part 2

CloudPanel:Part 2 Account Settings Two-Factor Authentication Domain Settings Site User Settings PHP/Node.js/Python/Reverse Proxy PageSpeed Delete Site Account To edit your account information, click on the account icon top right and settings. Settings You can change your E-Mail, First Name, Last Name, or change your Password. Two-Factor Authentication Enable 2-FA To enable Two-Factor Authentication, click in…

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CloudPanel:Part 1 Technology Stack Install CloudPanel Access CloudPanel Add Site Create a WordPress Site Create a PHP Site Create a Node.js Site Create a Static HTML Site Create a Python Site Create a Reverse Proxy Technology Stack Next generation Technology Stack for maximum performance and security to run PHP, Node.js, Static Websites, Reverse Proxies and…

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Ubuntu Server

Install Ubuntu Server 1. Requirements 2. Choose your language 3. Choose the correct keyboard layout 4. Choose your install 5. Networking 6. Configure storage 7. Select a device 8. Confirm partitions 9. Confirm changes 10. Set up a Profile 11. Install software 12. Installation complete 13. What next? 1. Requirements You’ll need to consider the…

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